Dhampyrs Custom Hybrid-esque Vampire/nonOccults

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Dhampyrs Custom Hybrid-esque Vampire/nonOccults

The Sims 4 Dhampyrs (Custom Hybrid-esque Vampire/nonOccults)

You know, I realize probably few people actually care for the context as to why particular mod exists, but I’m also aware my ideas have something like a 50/50 chance of appearing completely unrelated, so I still feel the need to explain. The lack of hybrids in the Sims game in general seems unrealistic (how unrealistic that my Aliens and Spellcasters can’t have wizardry half-Alien offspring smh), given how under normal circumstances one would expect their children to be something new… But hey, I’m not here to do anything about Occult+Occult combos. Let’s talk about Dhampyrs.

I have a thing for tvtropes, at times even treating the pages as a place in which to look for ideas on what book to read next, and one such page is that of Dhampyrs, the offspring of Vampires and humans. In the Sims, the children of Vampires and non-Occults can be either, because the Sims are mean and don’t like hybrids.

So let’s fix that, let’s get some Dhampyrs. (Note that this isn’t meant to represent any culture’s particular depiction of Dhampyrs, and has to work within the constraints of the Vampire system in-game)

Fun fact, while looking up the translation of Dhampyr for my translation, I ended up stumbling upon the Dhampiro wikipedia page, which features a line too legendary to not be mentioned here. Namely, here’s the definition of Dhampyr, for those who don’t know, and also because I find this particular phrasing hilarious.

un híbrido entre vampiro y otras especies ficticias incluyendo a los humanos.
a hybrid between vampire and other fictional species including humans.

Anyway, while Dhampyrs (and apparently humans, according to that wikipedia page) may be fictional creatures, but the world of the Sims need not abide by silly rules!

First of all, you need MAL22’s Trait Tracker Injector for this to work, as the non-Occult children of Vampires are tracked by a hidden inheritable trait. All children of a Vampire and a non-Occult can inherit this, but the subsequent steps are blacklisted from Sims who are Vampires.

Becoming a Dhampyr requires some effort, and does not happen automatically. Should any non-Vampire child of a Vampire reach Level 15 Vampire Lore, their extensive knowledge of the subject will enable them to unlock a particular detail. Namely, that if they, as the children of a Vampire, were to consume a Plasma Fruit, they would fulfil their true potential as a Dhampyr.

(so basically TL;DR: those are the two steps, if your Sim is a human born of a non-Vampire parent, eat a plasma fruit after reaching Vampire Lore Level 15, and you will become a Dhampyr)

Careful with that decision, though! Dhampyr conflicts with Vampire, so your Sim will not be able to become a Vampire… for as long as they live, that is (more on that later).

Once your Sim is a Dhampyr, they’ll gain access to a few perks!
  • Access to all Vampire transport methods (Fly as Bat, Teleport as Mist, and Vampiric Run). Note that they must be toggled via clicking on your Sim.
  • Agelessness – Dhampyrs will not age past Young Adult.
  • Dispel Mind Control Powers – can free other Sims who have had Mind Control perks cast on them by Vampires (They cannot cast Mind Control.)
  • Permanent Vampire Resistant Cocktail buff
  • Ability to grant temporary sunlight protection to Vampires (via the Sunlight Resistance buff). If used on non-Vampire Sims, they’ll get the buff, but all it will do is make them +3 Energized for a while
  • Max Vampiric Fighting skill (same perk that can be unlocked by Vampires)
  • Nightly skill gain bonus of +25% to all skill gains (50% for Fitness and Mixology)
  • …at the cost of skill gain during the day being half as fast, that is.

That’s it? You may be wondering, isn’t that a bit weak in comparison to Vampires? They can’t even pick their own perks! But that’s the price they have to pay. They, after all, don’t have to deal with the weaknesses that plague Vampires. Does that not seem fair?

And alas… should a Dhampyr die, the next time their ghost loads into a lot (simply leaving your urn does not count, apparently you need to actually load into a lot, in spite of my attempts to make it instant), they will resurrect as a Vampire, having lost their Dhampyr powers forever. They’ll gain Vampire XP a bit faster than the average, though. The Dhampyr trait cannot be regained normally after this point, even if your Sim is cured of vampirism. It’d only, hypothetically, be possible if you cheat your Vampire Lore skill back down and try to re-trigger the initial unlock conditions.

If you have any comments in regards to the selected abilities, feel free to share your opinion, as I had a hard time picking and choosing those myself.

  • English
  • Spanish

Known issues:
  • Resurrect-as-Vampire requires loading the ghost Sim into a lot in order to activate, since just coming out of their grave, even on a different lot from where they died, apparently isn’t counted
  • Sunlight Reversal Cocktail is applicable to non-Vampire Sims via the Dhampyr interaction, but it makes them Energized so I decided against patching that

Zerbu’s Mod Constructor, Sims4Studio, and MAL22’s Trait Tracker Injector.

Archive: baniduhaine_Dhampyrs.zip
File: baniduhaine_Dhampyrs.package

Traits: (3)


Ages: Baby
Young Adult
Type: Hidden


Ageless and sleepless, yet lacking in powers and weaknesses alike. Such is the way of the Dhampyr, child of the night that chose a third option, rather than live as a human or become a Vampire. Nevertheless, Dhampyrs benefit from greatly increased skill gain during the night, to offset their slower progress during the day, and will succumb to the needs of their digestive system far less frequently than mortal Sims.
Ages: Baby
Young Adult
Type: Gameplay

Interactions: (1)

Grant Temporary Protection From Sunlight


Ages: Child
Young Adult
Type: Hidden

Interactions: (15)

Grant Temporary Protection From Sunlight
Enable Vampiric Run
Always Move as Mist
Always Move as Bat
Vampiricly Run Here
Fly Here as Bat
Teleport Here as Mist
Dispel Command to Sit
Dispel Command to Workout
Dispel Hallucination
Dispel Command to Be Mean
Dispel Irresistible Slumber
Dispel Command to Clean
Dispel Command to Repair
File: baniduhaine_DhampyrsVampModule.package

Traits: (1)


Ages: Child
Young Adult
Type: Hidden
Archive: baniduhaine_dhampyr_ScriptONLYUSEIFNEEDED.zip
No metadata could be extracted from this file

CC required

Sims 4 Mods ?

Are mods safe? … It is perfectly safe to download mods.

How do you use Sims 4 mods ? Extract the two files within the . zip file and place both of them into your Sims 4 mods folder. The mods folder is found in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mod

Will there be a Sims 5? Yes, there will be!

Sims 4 Mods, Sims 4 game mods, best sims 4 mods, sims 4 stuff cc, how to install sims 4 mods

Credit : baniduhaine

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