Sims 4 Whitewash + Mephitol – Sims 1 Nostalgia Collection by cgLizard
Do you miss The Sims 1 iconic build/buy mode in your The Sims 4?
These wallpapers are known from the very first sims game. It is a part of Sims 1 Nostalgia Collection, which will contain as many TS1 objects as I will manage to create.
It is a set of 2 base game standalone wallpapers, which include original wallpapers “Whitewash Walls” and “Mephitol” and 3 modern recolors (blue, white, and dark chocolate) for each type, giving in total 8 swatches. Use them for a cheap look in the basement or attic, but if you prefer a challenge try to elevate the look.
The wallpapers are located in Build>Wallpapers>Paneling.
Names: “Mephitol Wall” and “Whitewash Walls”
Price: 3 simoleons
Credit : cgLizard